
The World Without US by Mireille Juchau



The World Without US by Mireille Juchau


“The World Without Us” by Mireille Juchau is a poignant tale set in a small Australian town reeling from an environmental disaster. As the Finch family grapples with grief and guilt, daughter Tess unravels family secrets, confronting the interconnectedness of relationships and the fragility of nature amidst societal collapse.”

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“The World Without Us” by Mireille Juchau is a thought-provoking novel set in a small Australian town struggling with the aftermath of a devastating environmental disaster. The story revolves around the Finch family, particularly their daughter Tess, as they grapple with grief, guilt, and the unraveling of their community in the wake of a toxic spill that contaminates their land and water.

As Tess delves into her family’s past and the secrets they’ve kept hidden, she uncovers startling truths about the interconnectedness of human relationships and the fragile balance between nature and humanity. Against the backdrop of environmental degradation and societal collapse, Tess must confront her own role in the tragedy and find a way to heal both herself and her community.

Through Juchau’s lyrical prose and richly drawn characters, “The World Without Us” explores themes of loss, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. It is a haunting and ultimately hopeful meditation on the interconnectedness of life and the power of love to transcend even the darkest of times.

Additional information

Weight 200 g

Mireille Juchau





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