
The Divine Origin Of The Quran



The Divine Origin Of The Quran


“The Divine Origin of the Quran” by Prof. Muhammad Aslam defends the Quran against Western criticisms, explaining its sacredness and divine origin clearly. It corrects misunderstandings and helps readers grasp the Quran’s true meaning, making it valuable for scholars and those curious about Islam.

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“The Divine Origin of the Quran” authored by Prof. Muhammad Aslam serves as a robust defense against the criticisms levied by Western scholars regarding the Quran’s authenticity and divine nature. With meticulous attention to detail, Prof. Aslam elucidates the sacredness and divine origin of the Quran, offering readers a comprehensive understanding deeply rooted in Islamic tradition and theology.

In this seminal work, Prof. Aslam navigates through complex theological and historical discussions surrounding the Quran, addressing common misconceptions and objections raised by Western critics. Through clear and accessible explanations, he meticulously dissects these critiques, providing readers with insights that enrich their appreciation of the Quran’s profound message.

Drawing upon his deep knowledge of Islamic scholarship and Western academic discourse, Prof. Aslam offers a nuanced perspective that challenges Western scholarship while remaining faithful to Islamic tradition. By correcting misunderstandings and clarifying misconceptions, he guides readers towards a deeper understanding of the Quran’s true essence and significance.

“The Divine Origin of the Quran” is not merely a defense of the Quran; it is a scholarly endeavor aimed at fostering dialogue and understanding between different intellectual traditions. Prof. Aslam’s rigorous analysis and thoughtful insights make this book an invaluable resource for scholars seeking to engage with Islamic theology and for anyone curious about the Quran’s divine message. It stands as a testament to the enduring relevance and significance of the Quran in the contemporary world.

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Weight 730 g

Prof.Muhammad Aslam





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