
How We Eat with Our Eyes and Think with Our Stomachs



How We Eat with Our Eyes and Think with Our Stomachs


Explore the intriguing science behind how our senses and brain influence our eating behaviors and food choices in “How We Eat with Our Eyes and Think with Our Stomachs” by Melanie Mühl and Diana von Kopp.

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  • Synopsis: This book explores the fascinating science of how our brain, psychology, and sensory perceptions influence our eating behaviors and food choices.
  • Key Topics Covered:
    • The role of visual stimuli in food perception
    • Psychological factors affecting appetite and eating habits
    • The interplay between emotions and food preferences
    • Sensory influences such as smell and texture on taste
    • Marketing and packaging effects on consumer food choices
    • Cultural and social influences on eating behavior
  • Notable Features:
    • Insights from scientific research and psychological studies
    • Practical examples and real-life applications
    • Engaging and accessible writing style
    • Useful tips for mindful eating and healthier food choices
  • Audience: General readers interested in psychology, food science, nutrition, and health

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Weight 290 g



Melanie Muhl & Diana Von Kopp

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