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Here are 17 titles from "Stories of the Prophets" by Ferozsons, each with a brief description suitable for children: 1. Prophet Adam (AS) The story of the first human being and prophet, highlighting his creation and life in the Garden of Eden. 2. Prophet Nuh (AS) The tale of Prophet Noah and his ark, emphasizing his mission to save the faithful from the great flood. 3. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) An account of Prophet Abraham’s unwavering faith in Allah, his trials, and his role as the patriarch of many nations. 4. Prophet Ismail (AS) The story of Prophet Ishmael, known for his patience and his role in the building of the Kaaba with his father Ibrahim. 5. Prophet Ishaq (AS) The life of Prophet Isaac, focusing on his blessings and his significance as a righteous son and prophet. 6.Prophet Lut (AS) The narrative of Prophet Lot, highlighting his efforts to guide his people away from immorality and towards righteousness. 7.Prophet Yaqub (AS) The story of Prophet Jacob and his twelve sons, including the trials and eventual reunion with his beloved son Yusuf. 8.Prophet Yusuf (AS) An inspiring story of Prophet Joseph, his journey from being sold into slavery to becoming a
  • Book Name : Stories Of The Prophets Complete Set(1-17)
  • Author Name : ferozsonspk
  • Product Type : Unknown Type
  • Item Publish Date : 2024 / 07 / 09

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