
All in Fate


All in Fate


All in Fate by Zahra Najam is a captivating novel that delves into the complexities of destiny, love, and human relationships, weaving together multiple narratives to explore the interconnectedness of lives and the power of fate in shaping our destinies.

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In Zahra Najam’s compelling novel, “All in Fate,” readers are drawn into a richly woven tapestry of intertwining lives, where destiny’s hand guides the course of love and human connection.

Set against a backdrop of intricate relationships and nuanced characters, Najam masterfully navigates the complexities of fate, exploring its profound influence on the lives of her protagonists.

Through vivid storytelling and evocative prose, the novel invites readers to ponder the enigmatic forces that shape our paths and the profound impact of our choices on the lives of others.

As the characters grapple with love, loss, and the inexorable pull of destiny, Najam skillfully explores themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the enduring power of human resilience. With its lyrical narrative and poignant insights, “All in Fate” is a mesmerizing exploration of the human experience, reminding us of the profound interconnectedness of our lives and the inexorable pull of fate.

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Weight 100 g




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