Bachon Ka Iqbal


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"Bacho ka Iqbal" by Ferozsons is an enriching literary treasure tailored specifically for children, presenting a curated selection of poetry by the renowned philosopher-poet, Allama Muhammad Iqbal. This meticulously crafted anthology serves as a gateway for young readers to delve into the profound ideas and timeless wisdom encapsulated in Iqbal's verses. Through vibrant language and captivating imagery, the book transports children into a world of imagination, enlightenment, and introspection. Each poem is carefully chosen to resonate with the youthful audience, addressing themes of self-discovery, resilience, patriotism, and the pursuit of knowledge. From encouraging dreams of greatness to instilling a sense of responsibility towards society, "Bacho ka Iqbal" serves as a guiding light for children navigating the complexities of life.
  • Book Name Bachon Ka Iqbal
  • Author Name ferozsonspk
  • Product Type Unknown Type

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