"Teacher's Dead" by Benjamin Zephaniah is a gripping and thought-provoking young adult novel that delves into the complexities of friendship, loyalty, and the consequences of bullying. When a popular teacher is found dead at their school, a group of students must grapple with the aftermath of the tragedy. As suspicion falls on various individuals within the school community, including students and staff, secrets begin to unravel, revealing the darker undercurrents of power dynamics and peer pressure that existed beneath the surface. Through the perspectives of multiple characters, including those directly impacted by the teacher's death and those struggling with their own guilt and remorse, Zephaniah explores themes of accountability, justice, and the importance of speaking up against injustice. With its raw and authentic portrayal of teenage life and social issues, "Teacher's Dead" offers a compelling and timely narrative that encourages readers to reflect on the power dynamics present in their own lives and the importance of standing up for what is right.