Prophet Ibrahim A.S


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Prophet Ibrahim, known as Abraham in the Judeo-Christian tradition, holds a central place in Islamic history and theology. His story, chronicled in the Quran, exemplifies unwavering faith, submission to God's will, and the enduring quest for righteousness. Ibrahim was born into a family of idolaters but rejected their polytheistic beliefs from a young age, recognizing the folly of worshiping statues devoid of power. He began to question the prevailing beliefs of his community and sought spiritual truth with sincerity and determination. In a profound display of faith and obedience, Ibrahim was tested by God in various trials, each demonstrating his unwavering commitment to divine guidance. One of the most significant tests was when Ibrahim was commanded to sacrifice his beloved son, Isma'il (Ishmael). Despite the immense emotional turmoil, Ibrahim prepared to fulfill the command, demonstrating his absolute submission to God's will. In a moment of divine intervention, God replaced Isma'il with a ram, sparing his life and affirming Ibrahim's faith. Ibrahim's devotion to God extended beyond personal sacrifice; he also challenged the idolatrous practices of his people, confronting his father and community leaders with compelling arguments for monotheism. Despite facing rejection and hostility, Ibrahim remained steadfast in his mission, tirelessly
  • Book Name : Prophet Ibrahim A.S
  • Author Name : ferozsonspk
  • Product Type : Unknown Type
  • Item Publish Date : 2024 / 07 / 09

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